A to Z Guide
50/50 Raffles
The Cavalry FC 50/50 Raffles are available at every match and are conducted by the Spruce Meadows Leg Up Foundation.
Tickets can be purchased online here. Winner information can also be found at this location.
Accessible Needs
ATCO Stadium provides wheelchair and companion seating at all price points. Be advised that ATCO Field/Cavalry FC personnel reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against individuals who fraudulently obtain wheelchair and companion seats.
Visit Ticketmaster for matchday tickets or call 403-974-4567. We strongly encourage fans to purchase in advance to allow quicker access to ATCO Field.
Accessible washrooms can be located in Founders Plaza, behind the East Grandstand and west of the South Grandstand.
Accessible parking is available, with a government-issued pass, in Lots 7 & 8.
Admission + Tickets
All persons must have either valid accreditation or a valid ticket to enter ATCO Field at Spruce Meadows stadium area.
Purchase tickets:
Season Tickets
Flex Pack
Single Match Day tickets
Tickets are not sold at ATCO Field on match day and must be purchased in advance.
We will only be accepting touchless (digital) tickets this season.
Ticketmaster has updated its technology and you are no longer able to capture your ticket in a screenshot.
Please be sure to download your ticket to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay PRIOR to arriving at Spruce Meadows.
Alcohol Policy
- Fans must be 18 years or older to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages.
- Proper photo identification is required to purchase an alcoholic beverage. Spruce Meadows Staff, and our affiliates, reserve the right to check proof of legal age.
- A maximum of two (2) items of alcohol will be sold to an individual at one time.
- Alcohol sales will end 20 minutes prior to the end of the match.
Animals are not permitted in ATCO Stadium or in the soccer perimeter. However, ATCO Field welcomes guests with disabilities and their service animals or service animals in training. While it is not necessary, we encourage guests with assistive animals to contact Guest Services at (403) 974-4567 in advance of game day in order to most appropriately accommodate the needs of the guest and his or her animal.
To reduce touchpoints, there will be no ATMs at Spruce Meadows this season.
Baby Changing Stations
Baby changing stations are located at both permanent restrooms at Spruce Meadows. Please ask a staff member or security staff for directions.
Bag Inspections
All patrons, staff and volunteers will be subject to a search of personal belongings.
Anyone refusing a search may face eviction and/or may be refused re-entry.
See also “Large Bags” listed below.
Banners, Signs & Poles
Any size of pole or stick, including those associated with banners or flags is prohibited.
Inappropriate signage including all gang affiliations is prohibited.
Please contact us if you have any questions about banners at 403-974-4567.
Camera Equipment
Professional camera equipment that includes, but is not limited to: cameras with lenses longer than 3” (detachable or non-detachable), video cameras and the use of video-capable devices such as GoPro as well as tripods, selfie sticks, telescopic or similar devices.
Carlsberg Fan Zone: Tickets and Drink Vouchers
All Carlsberg Fan Zone tickets includes a drink voucher, which can be picked up at will call upon arrival in Horizons Pavilion.
The voucher is good for one Carlsberg product or a non-alcoholic equivalent.
Please note that voucher pick up will be available until halftime only, so don’t forget to pick it up upon arrival!
Cavalry FC Shop + Merchandise
The Cavalry FC Shop is open only on Match Days in the lower plaza at Spruce Meadows.
Please visit our online shop at cavalryfcshop.com 24/7 for all other times. Orders can also be made on our website for touchless pick-up at the conclusion of all home matches.
Center Circle App
Compliments, Complaints and Comments
Guests with a compliment, complaint or comment may express it in person with a staff member in the Horizons Pavilion. Written feedback can be sent to info@cavalryfc.ca or you can speak to someone at (403) 974-4567 following the match.
Construction Sites on Spruce Meadows
Please note that for the 2024 season in preparation for Spruce Meadows’ 50th anniversary in 2025, there are various construction sites across the Spruce Meadows property. We advise our fans to be respectful of these sites, take extra precautions, and keep a safe distance away from these sites.
Code of Conduct
CPL Fan Code of Conduct
Fans are encouraged to cheer, sing, and otherwise support their Club while remaining respectful and courteous to their fellow patrons, Referees, and opposing Club fans and players.
CPL fans have a right to expect an environment where:
- Fans enjoy the soccer experience free from fighting, thrown objects, attempts to enter the playing field, political or inciting messages, and disorderly behavior, including foul, sexist, racial, obscene or abusive language or gestures.
- Fans comply with requests from stadium staff regarding stadium policies and emergency response procedures.
- Fans promptly and carefully return the ball to a stadium staff member or the ball retriever on the sidelines in the event that a soccer ball enters the stands.
- Alcoholic beverages are consumed in a responsible manner and only by those of legal age.
- Fans conduct themselves in a lawful manner to avoid incidents in the stadium and in the parking lots.
- Failure to abide by this code of conduct is subject to sanctions including ejection, banishment, and arrest.
Directions / Driving Routes to Spruce Meadows
Parking for ATCO Field at Spruce Meadows is accessible via Tournament Lane (on the WEST side of Spruce Meadows) – click on link below for directions.
The Spruce Meadows facility will be open 90 minutes prior to kick-off. You may experience traffic delays if you leave for Spruce Meadows at the last minute.
Drop-Off Locations
Drop-offs are only allowed in the traffic circle around Flag Park via Tournament Lane.
Should you need immediate assistance, please notify the nearest event staff member, security personnel, staff member or police officer. Cavalry FC has paramedics onsite during every match – please do not call 911.
Fan Health & Safety
Cavalry FC and the Canadian Premier League’s commitment to the health and safety of our guests and team members on and off the field remains our top priority. We will continue to comply with CPL guidelines, governmental mandates (both locally and nationally), as well as national trends. We will continually make necessary adjustments to these measures (which may change at any time without notice) for the safety and well-being of all.
Guidelines will be updated as necessary, so please revisit this page for updates:
- Capacity will not be limited.
- Per AHS recommendations, we recommend all event attendees wear masks, but you are not required to.
- Whenever possible, event attendees are strongly encouraged to maintain social distancing from those outside of their own party.
- ATCO Field at Spruce Meadows will continue to provide sanitizing stations throughout the facility
- ATCO Field at Spruce Meadows has enhanced its cleaning procedures in a number of ways, including increased touch point disinfecting of surfaces
- ATCO Field at Spruce Meadows utilizes mobile ticketing to minimize unnecessary contact
- Cashless purchases are encouraged
- Guests are encouraged to thoroughly wash hands with soap and water during each visit.
Most importantly, if you’re feeling sick, we ask that you please consider the health of others and remain at home
First Aid
First Aid is located behind the South Grandstands and behind the Warehouse.
If someone is in medical distress, please alert a member of the security staff and they will connect medical personnel with the person in distress. Please do not call 911.
Gate Opening Times
ATCO Field Plazas, Concourses and Clubs and Suites will open 90 minutes prior to kick-off. Stadium opening times may be adjusted on an event-by-event basis.
Please visit Ticketmaster to purchase your tickets online prior to arrival.
Grounds Map
Large Bags
Bags of any kind larger than 14”x14”x6” are prohibited from entry into Stadium.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is located in the Security Hoecker tent located north of the Horizons Pavilion. Guests can visit lost and found during the game.
After the match, guests should contact Cavalry FC at 403.974.4567.
Outside Food & Beverage
All outside food or beverage (including water) is prohibited.
Please leave any beverages you have brought with you in your vehicle.
If you have a water bottle, it will need to be empty when walking through security. There are water stations available on site to refill either at the backend of Horizons Pavilion or the white tents after you enter into the grounds. Bottled water is also available for purchase.
Parking is now free for all ticket holders! Be sure to arrive early – doors are open 90 mins. prior to kick-off.
VIP Parking (Officers Club) is available by pass only. Please contact the Ticket Office to purchase
For more information on Parking and ways to get to Spruce Meadows, please click here.
Photographic/Video Image Release
The Ticketholder understands that Spruce Meadows Sports and Entertainment Ltd., and the agents of the Canadian Premier League, will be gathering photographic and video images and recordings during this event which may include the Ticketholder. The Ticketholder expressly agrees that those images and recordings are the sole and exclusive property of Spruce Meadows Sports and Entertainment Ltd. and hereby consents to Spruce Meadow’s release and reproduction of all photographic and video images, recordings and likenesses taken during its events for future promotional or commercial purposes, without any notice or compensation to the Ticketholder.
Prohibited Items
For the safety and security of all guests and employees at CPL Stadiums, the following items are not permitted:
- Weapons or replicas of any kind that includes, but is not limited to, guns, firearms, ammunition, stun guns, self-defense sprays, fuels, torches, lighter fluid, bats, brass knuckles, batons, martial art weapons, knives, razor blades, box cutters, scissors, tools.
- Explosives, aerosols, and fireworks of any kind that includes, but is not limited to, flares, smoke bombs, incendiary devices and pyrotechnics.
- Bags of any kind larger than 14″ x 14″ x 6″ are prohibited from entry into Stadium. Please note there is no on-site check-in or storage.
- Illegal drugs, illicit substances, or prescription narcotics in non-labelled containers.
- Umbrellas.
- Professional Camera equipment that includes, but is not limited to, cameras with lenses longer than 3” (detachable or non-detachable), video cameras and the use of video-capable devices such as GoPro as well as tripods, selfie sticks, telescopic or similar devices.
- Items intended to create an optical distraction (laser pointing devices).
- Aerosol cans or noise making devices, whistles, cowbells, air horns and plastic horns such as vuvuzelas.
- Any size pole or stick, including those associated with banners or flags.
- All outside food and beverage.
- Projectiles including, but not limited to, inflatable balls, frisbees and hula hoops.
- Non-service animals.
- Portable chairs (n.b. these items may be stadium specific}.
- Roller blades, skateboards, hoverboards, scooters, and bicycles.
- Drones (unmanned aircraft systems) or other model aircraft.
- Inappropriate attire or signage including all gang affiliations.
Once past the Security gate and your ticket has been scanned, there is no re-entry allowed.
There are permanent public restrooms located behind the east grandstand and also in the Founders Plaza to the north of the Cavalry Shop.
As well, portable restrooms can be found throughout the stadium.
Shuttle Busses (No longer operational)
Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that our shuttle bus service will no longer be accessible to the general public due to a recent change in sponsorship arrangements. We understand that this may cause inconvenience and we apologize for any trouble this may have caused.
Our partner pubs are also working on organizing shuttle bus services from their locations. Ask your preferred pub if they will be offering this service.
Spruce Meadows is a non-smoking facility—this pertains to any type of smoking product as well as electronic smoking/vaping devices. Any guests caught smoking will be removed from the premises. There will be no re-entry to the stadium once entered.
Stroller Policy
Strollers are not allowed past security. Please plan accordingly.
No tailgating is permitted on the Spruce Meadows property or roadways.
Tickets for Small Children
Babes in arms up to the age of 2 do not require a ticket.
**Ticket prices are subject to change at any time.**
Umbrellas are prohibited on the property.
All outside food or beverage (including water) is prohibited.
If you have a water bottle, it will need to be empty when walking through security. There are water stations available on site to refill either at the backend of Horizons Pavilion or the white tents after you enter into the grounds. Bottled water is also available for purchase.
Please leave any beverages you have brought with you in your vehicle.
Wheelchair and Companion Seating
ATCO Stadium provides wheelchair and companion seating at all price points. Be advised that ATCO Stadium/Cavalry FC personnel reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against individuals who fraudulently obtain wheelchair and companion seats.
Visit Ticketmaster for match day tickets or call 403-974-4567. Tickets are not sold at ATCO Field on match day and must be purchased in advance.
At this time, we do not provide rental wheelchairs.
CanPL Stadiums maintain sole discretion to deny access to any patron(s) possessing item(s) deemed disruptive and/or a safety concern. All prohibited items must be appropriately disposed of prior to access to a CanPL Stadium being granted.
* At security personnel’s discretion