Technical Philosophy

Defining Cavalry FC’s footballing philosophy will be an evolutionary process, rooted in some core principles.

Inspiration can be drawn from King’s Own Calgary Regiment and Spruce Meadows official regiment, Lord Strathcona’s Horse; both known for their bravery and impeccable organization. But they are also units that historically advance, which suits an attack minded approach. Horses are born to run, which inspires a forward thinking, fast and powerful technical application.

But more importantly than individual tactics and formations, is the character of those representing the badge. Courage, bravery, assertiveness, perseverance, leadership and selflessness are all virtues that will be sought during recruitment. The type of person coming to the club will be as important as the type of player.

Calgarians have proven time and again that collectively they are force to be reckoned with, which is why the club will devote a lot of energy towards discovering and developing local Canadian players.